僑生須知 Notices for Overseas Compatriot Students |
編號 No. | 資料標題 Topic | 答 覆 內 容 Content |
1 | 法源依據 Legal basis | 為輔導海外僑生回國就學,教育部訂定「僑生回國就學及輔導辦法」,規範僑生申請回國就讀各級學校之審核、分發、優待、在學輔導、畢業等事宜。 In order to assist overseas compatriot students study in Taiwan, the Ministry of Education has formulated the “Regulations Regarding Study and Counseling Assistance for Overseas Chinese Students in Taiwan”, which standardizes the review, assignment, preferential marking, school counseling, graduation, etc., concerning the applications of overseas compatriot students who want to study in Taiwan. |
2 | 申請來臺就學事宜 Applying to study in Taiwan | 「僑生」指海外出生連續居留迄今,或最近連續居留海外六年以上,並取得僑居地永久或長期居留證件回國就學之華裔學生。但就讀大學醫學、牙醫及中醫學系者,其連續居留年限為八年以上。僑生經輔導回國就學後,在國內停留未滿一年,因故自願退學返回僑居地者,得重新申請回國就學,並以一次為限。僑生回國就學期間,除其他法令另有規定外,不得任意變更身分。 “Overseas compatriot students” refers to Chinese students who are born and have resided continuously overseas until now, or have resided overseas for more than six years in succession in the recent past, and have obtained permanent or long-term residence permits from the overseas locality, and have returned to Taiwan for study. Students studying for medical, dental, and Chinese medical degrees, however, should have resided overseas for more than eight years in succession. Overseas compatriot students who have entered Taiwan for study but left school of their own accord and returned to their country of residence without staying in Taiwan for one full year may re-apply to study in Taiwan one time only. During their study in Taiwan, overseas compatriot students may not alter their identity unless otherwise stipulated in other laws and regulations. |
3 | 獎助學金 Scholarships | 一、僑委會提供學行優良僑生獎學金及受理捐贈僑生獎助學金: 1. The Overseas Compatriot Affairs Commission provides scholarships for academically and behaviorally outstanding overseas compatriot students and accepts donations for financial aid on their behalf: 中等學校二年級以上或大專院校二年級以上學行成績優良之在學僑生,可向就讀學校提出申請僑委會學行優良僑生獎學金;大專院校二年級以上或研究所二年級以上品學兼優之在學僑生,可向就讀學校提出申請僑委會受理捐贈獎助學金。 Overseas compatriot students studying in the second year of middle school or higher, or the second year of college or higher may apply to their school for the Overseas Compatriot Affairs Commission’s scholarship for academic and behavioral excellence. Academically and behaviorally outstanding overseas compatriot students studying in the second year of college or higher, or the second year of graduate school or higher may apply to their school for financial aid from the funds donated to the Overseas Compatriot Affairs Commission for that purpose. 二、教育部提供優秀僑生獎學金、菁英僑生獎學金、清寒僑生助學金及研究所優秀僑生獎學金: 2. The Outstanding Overseas compatriot Student Scholarship, the Elite Overseas Compatriot Student Scholarship, the Grant for Overseas Compatriot Students in Financial Need, and the Outstanding Overseas Compatriot Student Scholarship for Graduate Students are all offered by the Ministry of Education: 符合教育部獎勵海外優秀僑生回國就讀大學院校獎學金資格之僑生,可依規定向教育部申請菁英僑生獎學金或優秀僑生獎學金;高級中等以上學校清寒僑生可向學校申請教育部清寒僑生助學金;另僑生就讀研究所僑生5人以上學校者,可申請教育部補助學校設置之研究所優秀僑生獎學金。 Overseas compatriot students who meet the Ministry of Education’s requirements for encouraging outstanding students to study in universities in Taiwan may apply to the Ministry of Education for the Elite Overseas Compatriot Student Scholarship or the Outstanding Overseas Compatriot Student Scholarship. Overseas Compatriot students in financial need who are studying in senior high school or higher may apply to the school for the Ministry of Education’s Grant for Overseas Compatriot Students in Financial Need. Overseas compatriot students studying in a graduate school with more than 5 overseas compatriot students may apply for the Outstanding Overseas Compatriot Student Scholarship for Graduate Students subsidized by the Ministry of Education. 三、各校另有獎學金之設置,僑生均可逕洽就讀學校申請。 3. Other scholarships are offered through various schools. Overseas compatriot students may apply to their respective schools for these scholarships. |
4 | 在校工讀金名額 Part-time campus employment quota | 僑委會訂定「僑務委員會補助僑生工讀金要點」,補助對象為依僑生回國就學及輔導辦法來臺就讀高級中等以上學校之在學僑生並以清寒僑生為優先,每月分配提供各校總計六百二十個名額,僑生可向就讀學校提出申請。 The “Guidelines on Subsidizing Part-time Campus Employment for Overseas Compatriot Students by the Overseas Compatriot Affairs Commission” are directed at subsidizing overseas compatriot students who study in senior high school or higher in Taiwan pursuant to the Regulations Regarding Study and Counseling Assistance for Overseas Chinese Students in Taiwan, and gives preference to overseas compatriot students in financial need. A maximum of 620 students will be eligible to work each month. Overseas compatriot students may apply to the school they attend. |
5 | 僑生傷病醫療保險及全民健保 Medical Insurance and National Health Insurance for Overseas Compatriot Students | 為維護僑生健康,新僑生依法尚無法參加健康保險者,入學註冊時均應參加四個月的僑生傷病醫療保險,保費由僑委會補助一半,僑保就診單可向各校僑生輔導單位申領。僑生在臺取得居留證及居留滿四個月起依法參加全民健保,每月保費亦由僑委會補助一半,僑生自付一半保費。 To ensure the health of overseas compatriot students, new students who are not eligible for the national health insurance plan should join the group medical insurance for four months upon their enrollment in school. Half of the premium is to be subsidized by the Overseas Compatriot Affairs Commission, and medical consultation slips are available from counseling offices for overseas compatriot students located at their schools. When overseas compatriot students obtain their alien resident certificates and have resided in Taiwan for four months, they may join the national health insurance plan according to the law. Half of the monthly premium is to be subsidized by the Overseas Compatriot Affairs Commission, and the other half is to be paid by the overseas compatriot students themselves. |
6 | 僑生醫療急難補助 Medical and Emergency Assistance for Overseas Compatriot Students | 僑委會為照顧海外回國就學僑生,訂定「海外回國就學僑生醫療急難及喪葬慰問金發給要點」,凡在學僑生在台灣地區具有因傷病住院醫療,造成經濟之重大負擔;因家遭變故,致經濟來源中斷,生活困難;遭遇不可抗力事變或天然災害,致經濟蒙受重大損失;死亡等,得經由學校向僑委會申請補助。 To take care of overseas compatriot students who return to study in Taiwan, the Overseas Compatriot Affairs Commission has formulated the “Guidelines on Granting Medical, Emergency, and Condolence Assistance for Overseas Compatriot Students Studying in Taiwan”. Overseas compatriot students studying in Taiwan who bear great economic burdens due to illnesses that require hospitalization, who lose economic support and face financial difficulty due to family problems, who suffer major economic loss due to force majeure or natural disasters, or who meet an untimely death, may apply through their school for a subsidy from the Overseas Compatriot Affairs Commission. |
7 | 僑生學業輔導 Tutoring for Overseas Compatriot Students in Academic assistance. | 為提昇僑生國語文與基本學科之學習能力,依據教育部訂定之「教育部補助高級中等以上學校辦理僑生學業輔導實施要點」,各校辦理僑生基本學科學業輔導及寒暑假期課業輔導,得申請經費補助。 To enhance overseas compatriot students’ Chinese language skills and basic academic skills, schools may apply for a budget subsidy to organize tutorials of basic academic subjects and summer and winter vacation tutorials for overseas compatriot students pursuant to the “Guidelines on Subsidizing Senior High Schools or Above for Implementing Overseas Compatriot Students Tutorials by the Ministry of Education”. |
8 | 僑生校外工讀許可 Off campus Work-study Permission for Overseas Compatriot Students | 依據就業服務法規定,僑生校外工讀時間除寒暑假外,每星期不得超過十六小時。有關僑生校外工作許可之申請,應向主管機關行政院勞工委員會職業訓練局辦理。惟僑生應以課業為重,而且應避免在有安全顧慮以及不適當場所工作。 According to the provisions of the Employment Services Act, overseas compatriot students should not work more than 16 hours at off campus jobs except during summer and winter vacations. Overseas compatriot students should apply to the Bureau of Employment and Vocational Training, Council of Labor Affairs, Executive Yuan for off campus work permits. However, overseas compatriot students are encouraged to concentrate on their studies, and should avoid work that gives rise to safety concerns and avoid working at places that are inappropriate. |
9 | 僑生兵役 Overseas Compatriot Students’ Military Service | 曾在臺設有戶籍之僑生,自十九歲之年一月一日起,依據「歸化我國國籍者及歸國僑民服役辦法」規定服兵役。 Overseas compatriot students who have had household registration in Taiwan should fulfill their military service starting from January 1 of the year when they become 19 years of age according to the “Conscription Regulations for Naturalized Aliens and Returning Overseas Chinese”. |
10 | 居留 Residence | 僑生來臺升學應辦理居留手續。持我國護照或入國許可證來臺,在臺原有戶籍者,應辦戶籍遷入登記;在臺無戶籍者,應辦理臺灣地區居留證。持外國護照來臺者,應辦理外僑居留,領用外僑居留證。 Overseas compatriot students coming to study in Taiwan should submit a residence application. Those coming to Taiwan with an R.O.C. passport or entry permit and having household registration in Taiwan should apply for moving-in household registration. Those without household registration in Taiwan should apply for a Taiwan-region residence certificate. Those coming to Taiwan with a foreign passport should apply for alien residence and get an alien resident certificate. |
11 | 出入國 Entry and Exit | 僑生在學期間於寒、暑假出國或因特殊事故申請出入國,應逕請就讀學校協助向內政部入出國及移民署提出重入國申請事宜。 Overseas compatriot students applying to exit Taiwan during summer and winter vacations or applying for entry/exit for special reasons should submit their re-entry application to the National Immigration Agency, Ministry of the Interior, via the school they attend. |
12 | 年度僑生活動 Annual Activities for Overseas Compatriot Students | 一、僑委會每年辦理春節祭祖師生聚餐聯誼活動及北、中、南、東區僑生春季聯誼等大型活動,有關事宜請向各校僑輔單位查詢。 The Overseas Compatriot Affairs Commission annually holds the Spring Festival Ancestor Worship Banquet for Teachers and Students, as well as other major social activities of northern, central, southern and eastern regions in the spring. For details on these activities, please consult the school’s guidance office for overseas compatriot students. 二、教育部每年補助各校辦理僑生輔導工作、中央有關單位聯合訪視各校僑生活動、全國僑生輔導人員工作研討會、全國大專校院僑生研習會及各校僑生節慶活動。 MOE offers funding to each school for Counseling services for overseas compatriot students, Joint delegations from government units to visit the overseas compatriot students, Nationwide seminars for overseas compatriot student counseling personnel, Educational workshops and Celebration of traditional festivals for all overseas compatriot students. |
13 | 畢業聯繫 Alumni Liaison | 僑生畢業後,應返回僑居地,並向各地之留臺校友會報到以便照應。因此,應屆畢業生應主動至學校僑輔單位填報僑居地之最新地址與電話彙轉僑委會,再知照各地留臺校友會。畢業僑生返回僑居地後應向留臺校友會索取報到資料表,填妥寄回僑委會,以便聯繫。 Overseas compatriot students should return to their countries of residence after graduation, and report to one of the many Taiwan alumni associations. Graduating students should report their updated addresses and telephone numbers from their countries of residence to the overseas compatriot student guidance office of their school, which will pass on the information to the Overseas Compatriot Affairs Commission and Taiwan alumni associations. After returning to their countries of residence, graduated overseas compatriot students should request an information form from their Taiwan alumni association, and then complete and return the form to the Overseas Compatriot Affairs Commission to make it easier to stay in contact. |
14 | 相關網站 Related Websites | 僑務委員會網站http://www.ocac.gov.tw Overseas Compatriot Affairs Commission website: http://www.ocac.gov.tw 教育部僑民教育委員會http://www.edu.tw/oversea/index.aspx Overseas Compatriot Educational Committee, Ministry of Education: http://www.edu.tw/oversea/index.aspx 海外聯合招生委員會http://www.overseas.ncnu.edu.tw/ University Entrance Committee for Overseas Chinese Students: http://www.overseas.ncnu.edu.tw/ |